I've seen these rainbow kebobs all over online and they are BEAUTIFUL and a HUGE success with the kids... but probably not with the dentist! These are ooey gooey sugary fun that the kids can help assemble or you can surprise them with the finished product! I got the fun colors in my kebobs from using Mccormick Neon Food coloring.

Supplies needed: sugar, food coloring, marshmallows, water, shortening, skewers, toothpicks

1. Make your colored sugar by mixing food coloring with sugar.
2. Put your marshmallow on a toothpick. Dip it in water then roll in the desired color of sugar
3. Rub shortening on your skewer to make it easier to slide on the marshmallows.

4. When you have all your marshmallows ready, slide them onto the skewer!

5. Enjoy! (outside cause they are pretty messy!)
*The tall white lollipop sticks can be a little hard to find. Click on the following image for online purchasing options
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