DIY Thumbprint Summer Pinwheels

It wouldn't be summer without pinwheels. Get your children involved by letting them 'decorate' the paper with their thumbprints.

 1. Supplies: paper (in this version we are making our own design so I used white paper and colored paper), paint or stamp-pads (if you are making your own design), pencils, erasers, push pins (longer pins might allow the pinwheels to spin easier), ruler, and scissors.

2. Have your child put their thumbprints all over the white paper. After it dries, decorate it how you desire (I turned the thumbprints into bees and ladybugs).

3. Cut the paper into a square.

4. Glue both papers together. (This helps to reinforce the paper along with giving it a two tone look when you fold the paper over for the pinwheel).

5. Using a ruler, make four lines from all corners, halfway.

6. Cut along the lines.

7. Bend corners of paper into the middle of the square.

8. Attach to an eraser with a pin in the front.

And here's a fun pinwheel book:

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